If you are a new trainee we ask that you submit all your contact details and also children's medical details into our new Class4Kids membership system.
For new and existing trainees please take special note to include or update information If the trainee is:
receiving medical treatment at present
taking regular medication or
liable to require assistance or special treatment for any reason, medical or otherwise, then please advise at membership@lothianskiracing.co.uk with the relevant details. You may be asked to provide a medical certificate completed by a doctor or health professional before the trainee can commence training.
By making the membership payment, you consent to the trainee being photographed and videoed for coaching and performance purposes. Occasionally photographs and videos of trainees may be used on the LSR website and in LSR publicity material (including social media) for promotional purposes. You also consent to such photographs and videos of your child being used for these promotional purposes. If you wish to withhold such consent or have any queries on this, please get in touch with us by email.
LSR has introduced a Code of Conduct for Trainees which sets out the Club’s requirements and expectations of its trainee members. Membership of LSR is conditional upon trainees abiding by this Code of Conduct and related policies, which can be found here: https://lothianskiracing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/LSRA-code-of-conduct-for-trainees.pdf
The club expects that as a parent/carer you will:
Ensure that your child understands the Code of Conduct.
Support your child, LSR and its volunteers and the coaches in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable environment for all.
Make an informed decision on whether your child is fit to train on any given training session, taking into account relevant factors such as illness and injury.
Make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for training, according to the weather conditions and time of year, and has the correct equipment (skis, boots, poles with stoppers and helmet) in good working condition, or if not that such equipment is borrowed at Midlothian Snowsports Centre. Also equip your child with any other protective gear as advised by their coach.
Ensure that you sign in as required at each training session and then proceed to commence training on the hill in a timely manner.
Collect your child promptly at the end of each training session. In all cases children must be collected by 9pm as Midlothian Snowsports Centre closes at this time. Contingency arrangements must be made if there is a possibility that you may not be able to collect your child before the Centre closes.
Pass on any concerns you or your child may have - or information you have received - relating to the welfare of any trainee, including any allegations of bullying, to the head coach or a member of the LSR Committee.
Understand that LSR is run by parents and volunteers and be prepared to help.
Respect timescales set for payments, receipt of paperwork, medical forms, etc.
Not make any negative comment about the Club or any of its members, coaches or volunteers on any form of social (or other) media.
The Club also expects you to understand and accept that:
like all sports, ski racing is an activity, which involves some risk. You are aware that LSR accepts no responsibility for injury or accidents which may occur during training.
personal belongings and equipment are each trainees own responsibility and are brought to training at the trainees own risk.
breaches of the trainee Code of Conduct will be a disciplinary matter.
The membership fee includes the training fee for one of Monday, Wednesday or Thursday evening sessions as appropriate to the trainee's invitation to train. The fee also includes coach race support at all races in the central belt & the Sunderland dry race and access to race support where there is demand for outdoor and snowdome races in England. Coach cover at all other races may incur an additional charge. Other activities, such as extra training sessions (whether at Hillend, Snowfactor or elsewhere), Summer Camp, etc will also be at additional cost.
In the unfortunate event of a child injury during the season preventing the child from attending training sessions, LSR are unable to offer refunds to parents. However, should the club be able to fill the child’s training space, then we would look to offer a pro-rata refund for the training fee. The annual membership fee is non-refundable.
Please note that it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to keep up to date on what is happening. Please regularly check the LSR website for updates and like and follow our Facebook pages LSR and LSR Ski Sale.
VERY IMPORTANT: By proceeding to make payment for the 2020/21 LSR training year you confirm your agreement to the foregoing terms and conditions, including our Privacy Policy.